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*Full Name (required)
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*Will you need shipping? NoYes
*Shipping address:
*Please select all that apply: Screen PrintingDye SublimationDirect to GarmentDirect To FilmEmbroideryGraphic Design
*Please select all that apply: T-ShirtsHoodies'Ie Lavalavas
*# of print locations:12345
*Locations:Chest (Left)Chest (Middle)Chest (Right)BackSleeve (Left)Sleeve (Right)Bottom ('Ie's)
# of Ink Colors (if screen printing):123456
List Ink Colors:
*Color of Garment/Fabric:
*Do you need graphic design help?No, I've got my design files.Yes, help me create the design
*What is the design for? *What elements will be included in the design? TextLogo(s)Photograph(s)Tribal
*What do you want the text to say?
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